Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Finally an Update!

Well we did it again ... clearly we aren't very good at weekly updates ;) Just kidding we have been crazy busy this last month and a bit. Lots have changed I got a year older, both the Balo family and the Hall family gained one new member and we haven't had a weekend that wasn't fully booked up. At the beginning of June my cousin and cousin-in-law had their precious little baby Laura Kathleen. She is just the prettiest little girl and I can't wait to actually meet her and see her parents as well. This past weekend we celebrated the wedding of Tim and Holly! It was such a great time and considering the weather we have had the month before they couldn't have picked a better date. The weekend was full of family and tons of love it was beautiful. In between our families getting bigger we had an awesome camping trip in Uclulet during a monsoon. Sleeping on an air mattress at 30 weeks was challenging and I ended up sleeping in the car... it was drier in there too. Even though the weather was crap the company was fantastic, we learnt how to call for a Sasquatch and how to build a tarp city as well. Over all the third trimester has been eventful, but I'm ready for it to slow down so I can get my home ready for Baby Balo to "escape" (Andrews terminology).

So as I'm writing this I'm 34.5 weeks along, that means only 2.5 weeks till the baby is full term eek! Our due date as per our care provider is August 20th so still 5.5 weeks away. But baby is the right way around and lower than ever before which is creating some awesome pains I have never had before. Baby is growing well, as of last midwife appointment is approximately 4 days ahead in size not sure how they figure that part out, fingers crossed we have a Balo/House size baby. The baby's heart rate has been at the 140bpm mark the past 3 appointments which is great. For those of you into old wives tales about gender, for a girl it's 140 and above, for a boy it's 140 and below. So 50/50 odds there. Right now as a couple we are thinking we are having a boy, I guess we have a bit more time to speculate. All of my blood work has come back as normal no anaemia which I'm grateful for, adding another pill to take in the morning would really stink, I already have to take my prenatal 3x a day and my DHA and Vitamin D 2x a day. All in all we are doing well, I am looking forward to putting a face to the little one using my bladder as a soccer ball.

Andrew claims he will write the next one ... I've heard that one before hardy har har. Oh we'll put up pictures then too :)

the Balos


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