Sunday, 26 August 2012

Oliver is here!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for all of the kind words and wonderful wishes.

Baby Boy Balo finally has a name: Oliver Thomas Ty Balo

For those who may not know, we decided to add Ty (pronounced tee) as a second middle name, because it means House in Welsh.

Mum, Dad, and Oliver are doing wonderfully (aside from a lack of sleep for Mum and Dad). The labour and delivery however, weren’t quite as anticipated. Mum was induced on Monday morning due to slightly high blood pressure (the OB and us didn’t want to take any chances, and thankfully no complications arose). After spending almost three full days using everything under the sun to try to coax little Oliver out, they decided at 11 pm on Wednesday night to send Rhian for a caesarian. Unfortunately, the first anesthetic shot didn’t fully take, and instead of being born a Leo before midnight, Rhian had to receive a second shot, and he was born a Virgo early on the 23rd. Because of the caesarian, we will be in the hospital until at least Saturday afternoon. Since Mum has been in bed most of the time, Dad has been on full-time diaper duty, and has already been experienced, more than once, the hazards that come when changing a baby boy's diaper.

We have attached some of our favourite pictures of little Oliver, and can’t wait for everyone to meet him!

Lots of Love,

Rhian, Andrew and Oliver
It's a Boy!!!
One Hour Old, waiting for Mummy to recover it only took two hours (she thinks)
The Grandparents welcome their little grandson :)
Getting checked out by the fantastic staff at Royal Columbian Hospital
 Good morning!!!!
 Nana, Mum and Gran
Dad, Granddad and Grumps/ Papa (still working on that one)
~On a side note,
Although the birth didn't go as I (Rhian) had planned, I have to say if anyone ever gets to deliver at Royal Columbian Hospital, the staff at all levels were so fabulous. They really helped make a rather traumatic experience for me very calming. I can not say enough about the nurses who sat by my side while I suffered through round and round of induction as well as the OB's who gave the medicine and my amazing midwife Tracey who was with me for all of Wednesday and there to help me while I was in surgery. I am truly blessed to have met all these people, also to have the love and support of all my family and friends and to have Andrew and Oliver happy and healthy.

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